Monday, February 21, 2011

Ten Things That Can Cause Stress In A Leader

Thanks for the reminder, Pastor Perry.

Actually…I am not sure if these cause stress in every leader…but I know these are the 10 most common things that cause stress in me…

#1 – I actually believe the church is MY church and not HIS church…and that I am in control rather than HIM! (See Matthew 16:18)

#2 – I do not trust the people who I delegate authority and responsibility to and actually begin to believe the lie that, “if I want something done right then I must do it myself.”

#3 – When I know without a doubt what God has spoken to me to do…but I begin to listen to the “experts” who tell me that the very thing God has called me to do is an impossibility.

#4 – When I try to explain myself to those who don’t really want an explanation…they just want to argue.

#5 – When I refuse to take some time to disconnect and rest, claiming that the devil never takes a day off while not understanding that the devil isn’t supposed to be my example.

#6 – When I begin to take on the “Messiah complex” and begin to think about how much the church needs me rather than how much I actually NEED CHRIST!

#7 – When I worry about results more than obedience!!!

#8 – When I focus on the size of the problem rather than the size of God!

#9 – When I fail to share my worries and concerns and admit my mistakes to others for fear that it may make me seem weak and stupid. (When…the opposite is the case, those around me actually love and respect me more when I ask for help!)

#10 – When I become unaware of HIS presence every single minute of my life!

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